Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tesla Model S (2013)


Car Barn Sport | Tesla Model S (2013) | Auto first prize specifically for the full enjoyment of the architecture of the available energy is to compete in the global automotive market. a machine that has a revolutionary propeller called "Tesla Model S". Built aluminum body with a specially designed machine and raise the bar for driver safety. With denser battery energy and industry best-in-class aerodynamics, Model S has the longest range of any electric car production in the world.

Tesla Model S seats five adults and two children in child seats optional rear facing. Equipped with an advanced electric motor Tesla Tesla Model S provides instant torque and smooth acceleration 0-97 km / h in 4.4 seconds. Aluminum housing for maximum driving safety more effectively and developed. With denser battery power in the industry, and best in class aerodynamics, the Tesla Model S. Tesla Motors has given the Model S, the first premium sedan world power for the first client in 22 invitation-only event at the Tesla factory in Fremont, California, June 2012.

Price based on Tesla Model S in U.S. $ 49,900 after a federal tax credit available for $ 7,500. Model S customers can also benefit from state tax credits, rebates, exemptions from sales tax, free parking, rail transportation vouchers and other benefits. 

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