Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Seat Mii Vibora Negra (2013)

Car Barn Sport | Seat Mii Vibora Negra (2013) | Within just one month after the date of the Mii SEAT car for sale in the UK, SEAT presented a spectacular Vibora Negra issue. Available now, Vibora Negra - the last iteration of the SEAT's Mii - the Black Viper is Spanish. It shows the full range of personal accessories for cars, and marks the beginning of a series of planned package configuration. The total cost of the package Vibora Negra, VAT and equipment is $ 1,628 with a 14-inch wheels are fitted, or £ 1740 with a 15-inch wheels.

Malcolm Allison, director of aftermarket products for the rest of Britain, said: "Vibora Negra package shows all the characteristics of a sporty SEAT Mii, and shows interesting features for the car setup in the future. Mii with the seat, has just gone on sale in the UK (18 June 2012), is readily available to make Vibora Negra package is a clear indication of the wish SEAT, the most coveted and stressed sporty city car on the market.

Vibora Negra package that is only for customers in the UK comes on the heels of the dramatic conception Mii FR, as shown in the 2012 festival in Worthersee Austria, an upgrade to a tantalizing opportunity for buyers, a car with a strong visual resemblance To purchase this concept. Mii SEAT range starts at £ 7845 RRP OTR for the entry-level S, then there Vibora Negra can buy under £ 9500.

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